Guide to Effective Committees for Directors of Not-For-Profit Organizations, Third Edition

SKU#: 1333
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Committees are a vital component of a successful organization. When they work effectively, committees provide valuable insight and advice to the board of directors and staff. Committees can help an organization efficiently achieve its goals and vision. They can also connect an organization with its members' attitudes and concerns while serving as an important training ground for future leaders.

The results can be detrimental when committees do not function well, however.

This book guides committees through the processes, practices, and policies required to become effective. Detailed examples are provided to clarify the book's insights and serve as a foundation for your association's committees.

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Author Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE
copyright 2017
Book Type Governance/Board
Dimensions 23 cm x 15 cm ; 64 pages
Format Softcover
Publisher CSAE
ISBN 978-1-927816-19-6