Intro to Associations Guide

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SKU#: Intro to Associations Guide
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This interactive guide introduces associations, their role in society, and common types. It also covers the structure of Canadian associations, detailing the roles and duties of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers. The guide explores the value associations provide to their members, the communities they represent, the public, and the government. Additionally, it explains the five Competencies for Association Executives, a foundational guide for senior association leaders. With detailed explanations, case studies, and examples, “Intro to Associations” is an essential resource for professionals and volunteers new to the association world. 

Associations are created to establish strength and unity in working toward common goals in virtually every profession. They are nonprofit organizations formed to promote the economic, scientific or social well being of their members. Associations offer significant opportunities for professional development and recognition for individuals as well as teams and organizations. Depending on the association, these could include: Leadership Opportunities.